Saturday, August 14, 2010

How to Find Your Inner Purple..............................

To find your inner purple first you must take in your surroundings ... find everything around you that is purple..
Next  you must wear all your favorite shades of purple (shout out) GREAT JOB MISS D!!
After that for dinner suggest your favorite purple food!
Up next on the purple train.... come up with your very own purple nickname! ( lavender, peacock, purple crazy ect.)
Now the final transformation.... add your own blast of purple color in your bedroom may it be your very own one of a kind painting , or your favorite purple pillow, add your own purple explosion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is how you find your inner purple!!!!
express yourself !

STAY PURPLE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I know. I will definately work on that!

    First though, I am going to start searching for the ultimate pet, to help me connect with my inner purple, it's called a "one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater"....I'm on the lookout.
