Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

Yo!! This is CC!! I'm so sorry for not posting, I have just been so busy with many, many, things. Haha!

Anyway, today was the first day of 7th grade for me and Tori. I am going to tell my side of the story, and you might hear from Tori about her day.

Alrighty. So my first class of the day is science with Mrs Kelly. I had a lot of fun. She talked to us about the rules, and stuff we needed, and then she showed us all of the animals she has in her room. She has a tortoise, two hissing cockroaches (insert shudder here), two goldfish, and we are going to get some native fish, a lizard, crickets (food for the lizard), and these things called gordees, or something like that. They are like mini chinchillas. SO KEWL!!! I can't wait.

My second class is math with Mr McKenny. He taught a really cool lesson. He said, "pretend you have all graduated from college and you have $10,000." Then he handed us all "wheeler deelers" and we had to look up what we were going to buy with our ten thousand dollars. He said that we had to buy a house or a trailer. So I was looking through it, and me and my partner, Ceily, found a house in Lakeland, FL, for only $1,000. So I bought it!! I also found a van for $2,500. So I bought that. It might not be the most stylish vehicle, but I decided I could always go to a car body shop and get it all pimped out. Then, I bought German Shepard puppies for $400. It was an awesome deal cause they come with their shots and a "starter set." AWESOME! I totally wish that Mr McKenny had really given us that money. Anyway, I had a fun time in math.

The next class was advisory with Mrs Kelly again. There, we got our planners and locker combinations. My locker is in the 8th grade hallway. So that kinda stinks.

Then I had computers with Mrs Hinkle. None of us got our ID logins, so the whole period, she gave us a lecture on the evolution of computers. It was really interesting. Hopefully tomorrow we will have our logins so we can actually turn on the computer. Haha!

After that was lunch. Hallelujah!! The only bad thing about lunch is that I have it at 10:40. That's about the time I eat breakfast during the summer!! How ironic!

After lunch I had language arts with Mrs Hinkle again. That was fun. We didn't do much, just go over the rules and stuff, but it was sweet just the same.

After language arts I had social studies with Mr Hackworth.
Fun Fact: His brother in law is Kyle Luke. The camp director for Somerset!! Isn's that sweet???!!
Anyway, during social studies we filled out a paper with questions about us. Like "what is your favorite book?" "if you could go anywhere, where would it be?" "if you could have 3 people teach you for a day, who would they be?" Then we got to pick 1-5 M n' M's out of a bag, and however many you picked, that was how many facts you had to read about yourself. I picked 5. So I got to read 5 facts. Oh yeah. And you got to eat your M n' M's after. SCORE! I had a great time in social studies.

After that, I had choir with Mrs Bickle. I had her husband last year for band!! Choir was fun because we got to sing the first day! She told us to separate into groups of 3, pick a song from the board, and then sing the beginning, and then the rest of us would sing along with us. Tori, Lexi, and I sang "frera jaques" (pardon my spelling). It was really fun.

Then, my last class of the day was art with Mr Coppernoll. All we did was just get to know each other. I can't wait until we start to draw!!

Anyway, I had a great first day. I can't wait for tomorrow!! It is picture day!!

Thanks for tuning in, people of the world!! Love ya all!!

Peace, Love, and Purple!!


1 comment:

  1. that's kewl!!! i hve art at the end of the day to! we got to make portraits of ourself just out of constuction paper and rubber cement on our first day! here is MY squedule:

    science with Mr. Zeluff
    spanish with Ms. Anderson
    band with Mr. Franks
    homeroom with Ms. Dakhlin
    lunch with our friends! (ha ha!)
    back to homeroom for 2 hours
    then ART with Mr. Wilson (i LOVE this class! i feel that it is a great way to end the day. relaxing, talking to our friends, and making art!) seriously, our teacher lets us talk the whole time, and our class is just like you would think an art room would look like! it's in a GARAGE, huge block squares of wood with paint and marker all over it, for our decks. oh, the blocks have four chairs to a table, so i get to sit with all of my friends. continuing.. there are dirty mirriors and only dish deturgent as soap, at the dirty sink, all the art in the world pilled up to the celing on cabnets and junk, huge beautiful pantings covering the windows, paint on the floor, you name it, we have it! I LOVE ART!!!!!!)

    ok, i wrote to much, and email me back your reply.

    i love you!

    -you cousin, beth
